Okay, so lets dive in. I have been mega-slacking on my blog. So lets break it down. I have changed everything in my life in the last few months. I am finally in a really good place and feeling at peace with my life and decisions.
So I left my last job to accept a traveling position, as I blogged about previously. Little did I know life had a different plan for me. I was feeling unsure about the constant change, and traveling with Sadie every 3 months. The “unknown” didn’t feel right, especially when they changed where they wanted me to start like 3 times. I have pretty intense anxiety and depression (I workout and take medication so its under control). Anyways, I decided to just update my resume and see what happens. AND BOY DID IT HAPPEN.
Okay, so fast forward to today. I am about 4/5 weeks into my new job where I am a practice clinical manager, and training to gross tissue since we are opening a new lab... so then I can do more in the lab outside of MOHS tissue processing. ANYWAYS. I never thought id accept a management role in a million years, its been a huge learning curve for me, I am always up for a challenge though. There are ups and downs like any job, but most days I am very happy with the decision that I made. I miss my old co-workers/work besties so much but I absolutely adore my new co-workers and the over all practice manager is my bestie already because she is amazing.
Another first for me. I moved to a state knowing no-one. I had a friend who lived here but is in Texas until the end of the year so I pretty much started over. I actually had a twitter follower who I chat with sports about who lives here also, so we hungout one day. No one in my area though, so I am slowly finding my place here. Living on my own is the craziest change of all. I LOVE IT. Idk how I will ever let another bf live with me. Its so peaceful (nothing against anyone I have lived with). Everyday Sadie and I chill, stuff stays clean or where I left it, I cook just for me and always have leftovers, and best of all… NO PANTS.
I have yet to do many adventures, its oddly way hotter than I expected. So I have not done any hikes, I’m a very cranky “hot weather hiker” LOL… but really….. I have taken Sadie to the dog park every week. I am hoping to meet another dog mom there and make some more friends here shortly. It has actually been easier being alone than I expected. I have been watching criminal minds and riding my exercise bike 1-2 times daily because I have goals and nothing better to do right now. My next goal is to start reading more again! I have been seriously slacking lately.
If I am being completely honest, a few months ago I NEVER would have expected to be here. Life always has surprises and boy did it catch me off guard this year. I wouldn’t change a thing though. I am really thriving and I can’t wait to see what challanges I over come and what lessons I learn in this new chapter. PS... I still miss Washington even though I am only 3 hours from my parents and friends.
Thirty Flirty and Thriving wasn't a myth after all
