The cracks scattered throughout me
Give the ability to see right through me
My soul is amber
Beautiful, curious, ominous
Pain seeps through every crevice
Waiting for a love to consume me
Take away the hurt
Fill me up
Say goodbye to the emptiness
Return the romanticism that once lingered
Love can remove the dagger of abandonment
Silent with a racing mind
Attempting to make sense of how one can crave love,
yet deeply fearing the pain that could follow
A risk
You’ll never know if you can handle it
My door is open
unknowingly welcoming what’s to come
Sharing love, laughter, tears
I want every part
The deepest love
I’ve dreamt of it
Grasping tightly to false hopes of the wrong people who have come and gone
Timing never chosen, dominos of the universe fall…
Suddenly, It’s right in front of you