Lately, I have been in my head so much about every single choice I have made. Some good and some bad. I do know, the best decision I have ever made in my life was rescuing Sadie. In all honesty, I wouldn't be able to do everything I do if I didn't have her. If you have met me, within seconds you know about Sadie. Its typically, "hi, Im Jadium like Stadium with a J" followed by "I also have a dog name Sadie and she is so cute *pulls pic up* this is her" and that's an average greet for me. With that being said, Sadie and I are headed to our FOURTH state of living together. She turns 8 on July 20th and that will be 6 years of me having her. She adapts to literally everything, as long as I am there. Little does she know, she has that effect on me as well. If my dog can't go, I usually contemplate if I will be attending for just about anything. The saying "who rescued who" couldn't be more accurate. I had some very hard times the last 6 years and although I choose to focus on the good now, I am not sure if I would have made it through without her. Everything from heartbreak, loss, or just poor mental health.. her cuddles and kisses (often excessive kisses) got me through it all.
My favorite adventures with Sadie:
-Yesterday I took Sadie to Detroit lake with the friend group and it was her first time on my paddle board. She tolerated it, but I knew from the occasional whines and her staring directly to shore debating if she wanted to jump off and swim there.. that she prefers being on land. So next water adventure, ill try to find us a boat or yacht.. that MIGHT be good enough for Sadie. She's a little boujee. Anyways, it was super fun and when we had our paddle boards linked up in the middle of the lake she loved that she could walk back and forth on them and get all the pets. Her FAVORITE part was when we were on shore snacking and chilling. She was having a good time playing with the other puppers and honestly, it makes me so happy to see her just living her best life.
-A few weeks back, I took Sadie to a wedding in California with me. On our trip back we stopped at several beaches, Sadie loves zoomies on the beach. Every other hour, we picked a beach and she ran around for 30 minutes or so until we wiped off and were onto the next one. I definitely had so much on my mind, but the quality time with her after having just got back from europe was all I wanted. It made me so happy to be reunited with her and be able to take her on a little 1 day over night trip.
-Dog park adventures have really been a thing in our time together so far! I remember my first time taking Sadie to Bar K in KC, she was pretty anxious and didn't really want to leave my side. Being away from me was scary to her, this was only 6 months-1 year after adopting her. I kept taking her to dog parks over the years, she loves other dogs (most of the time) and I knew socializing her would help her branch out. So whether it was a dog beach, a fenced in dog park, or even here in Salem a big open field park, we kept going to the parks and now she is so independent when we go. She runs off, plays with all the dogs, goes to people for pets, and just goes all out until its time to go. Its crazy when you spend time and work with your dogs like you are suppose to, how much they can grow and how good they can become.
-My dirty thirty trip was absolutely a top favorite trip. When I tell you Sadie loved being a California dog, that's an understatement. She would literally go outside and lay in the sun for HOURS. Im like dude its hot, but she'd come back in and drink when she wanted to. She loves the sunshine. When I layed on the giant swan in the pool, shed lay close to wherever I was and just sun with me. We really are two peas in a pod. Plus we did get to go out and do some hiking also, which in the heat was a struggle but she did so well. Thats why I keep her hair short, she loves catching some rays.
-Snowy hikes with Sadie, absolutely a top adventure we have been on. Similar to her in the sand, she goes BONKERS for snow. She loves running around, rolling in it, getting her little snoot in it. Catch her lookin like a rich man coming out of the bathroom at a party... I remember this hike in particular, one because Brietta swore it was easy (it wasn't) and two because the top was a frozen lake and we ate birthday cake for Briettas birthday with Sadie girl. It was one of the most gorgeous views I had ever seen. Also, Sadie had a puffy coat and it was literally the most adorable thing even though she HATED it. I was just worried it was too cold for her after rolling around in snow. Once birthday cake came out though, all was forgiven. She loves to take a couple licks of vanilla icing.
-Coffee stops with Sadie. Look when I tell you this dog KNOWS when we pull up to a coffee stop, its not a joke. She gets to the window, usually in the back because she has her seatbelt on, I roll it down and she waits. She is well aware she is suppose to get a treat or a puppachino. I am not sure what it is about watching a dog lick whip cream but its so cute, especially when they get the big crazy eyes!
Moving back to Washington from KC, to Oregon from WA, and to Pennsylvania from Oregon, Sadie has been the best side kick imaginable and I can't wait to see what adventures we find in the NE. There are so many places I want to explore. My one hope is that everywhere is as dog friendly there as it is here in the PNW. We take our dogs everywhere and I am hoping it will be that way over there. If not, I will find adventures that include Sadie. For the end of this blog, I just want to say Adopt don't Shop. You may have to work with your pup but its the best feeling in the world knowing you made their life better as much as they have made yours. You may not need to cater to your doggo like I do to mine, but love them extra. You are their entire world. Dogs are a HUGE responsibility. Now I don't want kids, so for me she is my life. Just remember, think every scenario through before getting a dog. They deserve all the love, we don't even deserve them as humans but we are lucky enough to have them.
Bye for now :)
