One of my favorite things about hiking is the feeling when you get to the top and everything that surrounds you makes you feel so small. All of my problems feel like a single wildflower in a blooming field. I wish it took away the feeling of being broken for more than just a moment in time. I’ve been feeling like shattered glass, you can put most of it back together but it’ll never be whole again. I know I will (sun)rise above it. Time stopped as I watched the sun come over the mountains. The universe suddenly felt so big, glorious, and beautiful. It was then, that all of my troubles went to the back of my mind and I felt complete. I get to be a living breathing soul in this incredible place. No matter how cold the world feels, the warmth of the sun hitting you as it slowly peaks over the horizon is indescribable. It’s like a burst of serotonin you’ve been craving mixed with the adrenaline of the challenge it took to get to that exact spot in that exact moment.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t regret my choice for the first two hours of being in that car. As soon as I left my house at 11:30 PM knowing that I wouldn’t be sleeping for at least another 12 to 14 hours, after not sleeping at all that day, I was questioning it all. But the second I started up the side of that mountain everything shifted. My deep thoughts that haunted my peace for the last several days faded away into the night.… There’s something empowering about hiking up a mountain in pure darkness, pitch black, looking up at the stars with nothing but a headlamp shining ahead of you. I kept thinking this headlamp was so bright and it felt like a metaphor for my future. No matter what you go through you can always come out on top. I did just that, I made it to the top of that lookout, watched the sunrise, and just appreciated the moment. There is nothing that comes close, as of yet, to making it to a viewpoint and seeing the mountains, trees, lakes, flowers, stars, sunrise, sunset, animals, etc. It’s the most peaceful feeling. The cruelty of the world disappears slowly as you gaze out and wonder what kind of God or energy gave us this breathtaking beauty.
When I’m at the top and I see a lot of people around me I always wonder what’s going through their brains. This is the only time my brain shuts off from my personal battles and I think that’s why I enjoy it so much. As someone who thinks constantly, this is a freeing journey. No matter how exhausting the hike up was, I feel the most relaxed and rested because my mind quiets. I admire the moment of silence and begin to listen to the trickles of nature that surrounds me. When the breeze hits my face, I take in a big breath of fresh air and I realize everything will always be okay. The universe always finds a balance.
This hike was everything I didn’t even realize I needed. This was my first sunrise hike. Aside from losing 1 airpod, it was perfect. Backstory: I was listening to Taylor Swift to bring me immense joy, the primary experience aside from hiking & paddle boarding that brings me to my zone of serenity & bliss.. and well, as a woman I’m always trying to be cautious of my surroundings so I can’t have both headphones in….. So goodbye to my right airpod. Last seen in the parking lot of Mount Rainier national Park, sunrise side. Investigation still pending. Foul play not expected. Potential runaway.
Until next time, byeeeeee :)
