I’m laying here unable to sleep at 2:15 am. Happy thirtieth to the one and only, me. I’m smiling as I’m looking through my camera roll. The delay of the blog is worth it, although I typed one up and then my site glitched, it erased and I was too lazy to retype. So here’s to the wait and an even better post.
What have I done so far? Well, I’ve explored.
Last week, I spent some time exploring Big Bear mountain. Which, I loved but didn’t get any hiking in. Tragic! May have to go back. I did explore the town though, and it was so cute! Honestly, I love when you go to random towns and they have the “hallmark” vibes. Every house has a cute little bear as decor. The down has a rustic look to it, log cabins included.
I impatiently made it through the week to wait for my cousin, Dustin, to be done working and come hang out. And then another friend arrived. The wait did not disappoint. For those who have met me, If you think I’m wild… you haven’t seen anything compared to Dustin. We had a great time. We went to an Angels game, casual right? No. This guy (my cousin) takes us to a bar after and MAKES ME GET ON STAGE to do a shake weight contest in front of the entire bar. Let me tell you, had I not taken a shot right before…. I might have been mortified, although I’ve never been one to avoid the spot light. Then to top it off, he takes me to a freaking club. Me. Thirty year old Jadium who goes to bed at 8:30 on a normal day. I danced the night away but it was an insane night.
Saturday comes around, I go get us my FAVORITE breakfast from Bravo burger. If you haven’t had their breakfast quesadillas, you haven’t lived. 1 fed 3 guys and myself. They are huge and so delish. Then we decided to have a chill pool day. UNTIL, we went to Yard House (the one in chino hills is superior, fight me). So, we sat at the bar top to enjoy some food and drinks and what do I do? Make friends with people and then we ended up hanging out with them the entire night. I will never not be amazing at my social skills. Especially “vodka Jadium” you may have heard of her. She’s going to be re-retired after last weekend.
I wake up Sunday and apparently the night before I agreed to brunch and another Angels game. I’m KO’d at this point. I’m like please take me out, I can’t hang for the entire day. I’m feeling real thirty at this point, I was ready for a nap by the time we got to the game and in our seats. Luckily, I was DD so I enjoyed my cold water and baseball. Then we went and chilled by the pool. By 8 pm I snuck off with my pup and went to bed.
Monday arrives, yes we are still being social and doing things even though I’m exhausted on the social scale by this day. HOWEVER, Hollywood Universal Studios was on the spontaneous “what are we doing today?” Calendar. It was a good time, honestly over priced in my opinion for what it was. Since we went on a Monday we did get to ride several rides for short waits, but rides aren’t even 1 minute (or so it felt). I did get to try butter beer though in their mini Harry Potter world and that was the highlight of the day!
Okay, we are almost to the big day. Tuesday arrives and the next set of people arrive. Tyler and Tara (cousin and his wife) fly in! I pick them up and head to the house, then to brunch. This led to a not sober pool day. I go to sleep at 8 ish, then wake up just in time for my last set of friends to get here! My soul friend and her fiancé!
And now, it’s 2:35 am on my birthday, unable to sleep. Typing this blog. Thinking about how excited I am for Tara to make her OG biscuits and gravy for breakfast and having a super chill day because your girl Jadium, is KO’d on drinking. Looks like DD is my title for the rest of the week!
Here is to the next decade of life. Ready to focus on being happier, healthier, my career, and my pup. New decade has a nice ring to it. Time to focus and live my best life, in new ways! Thanks for reading!