So today I spent the entire day hiking. I did 3 or 4 trails and got to enjoy all of my favorite things about my favorite place. I got to see mountains, waterfalls, a cave, and amazing crystal blue lakes. I realized I’m kind of in denial.
It’s so shocking to me that soon, I’ll be traveling for work 13 weeks at a time in different states. Having Sadie will obviously make anything feel like home but I love this place so much. I can’t help but feel like I’m cramming so much in before I leave, even though I know it’s temporary… I will always find my way back up here, it’s just unreal to me that ill be saying my temporary goodbye soon.
Moving back to Washington was the best thing I could have for myself. Even though I moved here, got a job, and then a pandemic hit, I've got to experience so much and meet so many amazing people.
Most of my friendships began in the last year. I had people I worked with who I liked but we never hung out, so it wasn’t the same. Then, this last year I bonded with so many people and can now say I have incredible friends up here. The girls I work with are my humans, I love them so much. I met my soul friend and the gym. Even in the last 2 weeks I’ve met humans who have already impacted my life for the better.
I’m trying to find ways to avoid being sad. I’m about to start my last work week with the company I’ve been with since i moved here 2.5/3 years ago. It’s shocking, especially since I bonded with so many people. At the end of the day, it is just a job. For most those come and go but every provider and co-worker I’ve become close with, will be missed dearly.
Lucky for me I’m a military brat, so staying in touch is something I’ve mastered over the years (if I want to, that is). So every 13 weeks when I come home, I’ll obviously see my favorite humans just like I do when I go back and visit KC.
All of this change is so overwhelming but also exciting. I’m dealing with a lot of mixed emotions about just about everything imaginable, but I know whatever comes my way I will be ready. Even if I do 13 weeks, hate it and move back. I know the right path will come along and it’s all a part of my journey.
-Much love to every person who has made Washington the best home imaginable.
-PS, if you’re reading this mom… I’ll be FaceTiming you 3-12 times weekly. k bye.