So a few weeks ago my brother texts me asking if I want to come in town for this birthday thing with his friends. I absolutely love my brother and his roomie is also family, so after some convincing I ended up being flown out.
It was less than a 48 hour trip which is what I try to keep it to. It’s the separation anxiety from my dog, for me. Anyways, I definitely made the most of my weekend with Dom, EJ, and a few of my close friends.
Although I didn’t get any real 1 on 1 quality time with my friends, I was so appreciative to get to see them. Honestly, when I visit it feels like I never left and that’s what is so special about those friendships/bonds. My weird relationship with visiting KC was actually okay this time. No weird feelings of being back. It was a very good trip. It was the first time in a while I was happy to be there.
Okay, now let’s get down to the PARTY BUS. Look, when I saw the amount of people meeting at the bar I panicked. I was curious how big this bus was… why did they pull up in a literally city bus turned into party bus. I’m happy my cousin went bc he is my safe space when I’m around a lot of people I don’t know. My brother is kind of like me, social butterfly when he wants to be so I try to let him just do his thing. Plus let’s be real, I’ve never met a stranger.
It was so much fun, we bar hopped. Some friends met up here and there. And it was a great time. I give it a 4.5/5 star experience for the party bus. The .5 missing is bc drama is inevitable in big groups and I don’t fuck with that. Especially being so defensive over my brother, that’s my weak spot. I also witnessed someone pee in a beer can and completely miss, so that was gross.
I swear Kansas City is a different breed of humans. They party like no bodies business man. They hosted the nfl draft and honestly, no one hosts out of towners better than KC natives. So welcoming and genuine. It was cool seeing fans of so many diff teams there, I actually met a colts fan at the first bar, who happened to live in WA and was on my flight home. Which was absolutely insane. We only talked bc he was decked out in colts stuff at the bar so I went and we talked about our draft picks.
Anyways, it was a great trip but very happy to be back surrounded by mountains and with my Sadie girl.
