Did I randomly interview with a recruiter who sent my application out all over the US? Yes. Did I officially accept a position on the opposite side of the country and put my notice in at my current job? YES. Wow. I really am unpredictable aren’t I? I seriously love what I do so much. The best part about what I do is, I can do it ANYWHERE.
Becoming a histology tech really changed my life. It really is wild. I felt lost in Kansas City, so I moved back up to Washington state to be closer to my parents. My mom has worked in Dermatology my entire life and so I was like well lets give it a shot!! So I started off as a Medical assistant. Idk how long you have known me but I suffered through science classes in college because I thought I wanted to be a Dentist LOL. So when I was an MA and my MOHS surgeon and Manager asked me if I wanted to start being a MOHS tech I was like heck yeah, Id prefer using the school that put me in student loan debt… anyways, I started off doing that. Id go in the other lab and help out with what I could but I wasn’t super familiar with the full work of histology, just the MOHS. I stumbled upon a Doc in Oregon who wanted to open a derm path lab. So when offered the position, I packed up and moved to Oregon. This brings us to the last year of my life.
My time here in Oregon has been such a blessing. I have learned so freaking much about the field of Histology, learned what to do in order to become a ASCP certified tech and fulfill a fun and exciting career. Never in a million years did I think the chances I’ve taken, moving from KC back to WA, then to Oregon… would lead me here. I made it though, I am here. I am thriving. I am truly living my best life and I am so proud of myself. Okay, now that the suspense is built up…. In August, I will officially be moving to….. West Reading, Pennsylvania!!!!! I will be working in a lab for a hospital that is a level 1 trauma hospital. I can’t wait to learn everything, become certified HT and most of all 4 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS OF VACATION/ year. You know your girl loves to travel. It is going to be a life changing opportunity and I have no doubt all of my best friends will come visit and new friends are awaiting!
With this official news, My last day of work is July 14th and I am very sad for a chapter to close. I love the people I work with so dearly. However, the chapter to come will be special. I can't wait to meet new people, new friends, and see what crosses my path. For the next 2 years (or more depending) this new amazing location will be home for me. Apartment hunting is started, the company is getting me a hotel on them for a month while I search, and everything is falling into place. I can't wait for this adventure!!!
I have been starting to close some chapters here, saying my goodbyes. I got through one particularly hard goodbye, but memories are forever. I absolutely intend to keep in touch with my friends, as I have for years all over the country.... so its not forever. Who knows, I will likely find my way back to the Pacific North West. I plan to keep an open mind and take it one day at a time. The years go so fast, I want to soak up every second of life that I can while I make a life altering change. North East USA, meet Jadium. I will be going to so many sports stadiums, I am so hyped!!
If you want to take a risk, just do it. Nothing can hold you back if you really want to make a better life for yourself. Struggles? Yes. Money problems? Probably. Worth the work? ABSOLUTELY. This is one of the only choices I have made purely for myself in my entire life. I will miss my friends out here so deeply, they are the most amazing humans I’ve ever met. Most of all, I will miss being close to my parents who are my bestfriends. With lots of vacation time comes lots of opportunities to visit and travel. Sadie girl and I will be on SO many adventures soon. Cant wait to see what’s to come for us!!
Bye for now!!!!!
