So basically, life decided everything I was planning/expecting to happen was going to change. I guess that’s how it goes most of the time, isn’t it? Every time I think I know what’s coming next, it doesn’t. Now don’t get me wrong, I am one of those people that believe everything happens for a reason so I am more than okay with this but I have really been bamboozled by the universe lately.
The travel job, yeah, isn’t going how I planned. Go figure. Well, its just taking longer to get my different locations than I expected. So I decided Id branch out and see what other opportunities could potentially be out there and what do you know? I find several great places within a few days. I have spent the last 2 weeks working on my resume and doing phone interviews. So far, all have given me a second interview. Tomorrow I’m driving down to Oregon for the opportunity I want the most as it is exactly what I want with my career going forward. I am a very driven person and being newly single, I excel on my own. So if they officially offer me the job, which seems possible, I will be accepting without hesitation.
As I have adventured lately, hiking up here again and what not. I realized a few things. I LOVE the Pacific North West and although the idea of traveling all over the US for work sounds great, this is what I consider home and I don’t really want to leave if I don’t have to.
The change has not been easy lately, I became very sad and depressed once I left my last job. I adored the providers and co-workers that I had. I started to realize I would be alone everywhere I went, which is fine, but I realized I don’t really want to leave for 3 months at a time after all. These friends I have made since moving up here feel like soul friends and I enjoy being near them. Not that I would make a decision based off that but staying in the PNW is a plus. Especially since the wait to get each placementat the travel job would a bit stressful for me.
So wish me luck! Updates to come soon. I know I will find the best place for me and I am looking forward to it. Sadie girl and I will be adventuring SO much. If I get the official offer for the Oregon position, I am going to by myself a blow up paddle board so I can be on the lake or water all summer! Fingers crossed!
