If you know me, you know I am not a patient person. Obviously I’m working on this but its true. I am very big on self improvement and overcoming obstacles which can be difficult when you want it to be good NOW. I had a few rough months adjusting to Oregon, I think I have briefly discussed it. Though I have been thriving, that still comes with ups and downs.
Last week was the week I had been waiting for, for a while. The freaking pathology/grossing lab opened. To be honest, I have no idea how I pulled that out of my ass but I did the dang thing. It helps having support at work, a great doctor I work for, and supportive parents. I had days where I came home, curled up with Sadie on the couch and cried while watching netflix until we fell asleep. I was finding ways to cope the best I could and made it through. I am a firm believer of everything happening for a reason and its true. I am here, this was the reason. I made it out of the darkness and I am feeling wonderful. For a bit, I was wishing I hadn’t left my last job. Honestly, I have never been happier about leaving and taking a risk now. Sure, there were a lot of amazing people I met there and getting to work for my mom was amazing. However, I was being held back from my full potential and they weren’t willing/able to make the room for me full time in the lab and that’s when I felt I needed more. 6 months ago. It was 6 months ago when I made the difficult decision to leave and now I built a freaking pathology/grossing lab. I work for a Doc who has full faith in me and gave me a chance. I am so thankful, that all of my hard work and long hours have paid off. I made it out alive and I’m stronger than ever. (52 mental break downs later…. lol)
Personal life is going well also, I am feeling more me. I still prefer my weekends with football and the dog park with Sadie but I have had a few girls nights with some great humans I have met down here. I even met/started dating someone, its still early though so that is for another time. I have been so caught up with work that I have been forgetting to take time for myself. I am so much like my mom sometimes, its almost comical because I always gave her such a hard time for working so much. I took last Friday off and went to Washington to see my parents and reunite with all of my old work besties and my soul friend. It was the best time. Catching up is always special to me. I feel like I am at the point in my life where I have my friends I don’t have to talk to daily, or even weekly, but it still never feels like any time has passed. I feel so lucky to have these people. I try to be a ray of sunshine in peoples lives and I love that they do that for me.
I just did my nightly skin care routine and felt like a little “catch up” blog would be good. Sometimes things change so fast I can’t even keep up.
October obtainable goals:
therapy 4x this month
try out orange theory
And with that, I am calling it a night. Goodnight my beautiful humans. I hope tomorrow is everything you want and more.
