OK… So here is the bachelorette weekend blog. It may surprise a lot of you….. but I was very well behaved. Just as I promised the bride I would be. Can’t embarrass the bride, that’s rule #1!! We had a great time though.
So let’s dive in. I flew into Kansas City and was picked up by Naomi, the beautiful bride. I got to go have lunch with my brother and EJ, who is basically my soul human. I consider him family. We had lunch and a couple of drinks and it was a good time. Nothing but laughs, per usual since I’m funny as f*ck! Not that my brother will admit it. I told them how I randomly started adding “arooski” to the ends of my words. So Dom had to ask for a refill-arooski for his drinks. BUT back on track, the rest of the trip was carved out for Naomi.
So we had a whole spontaneous plan we threw together to get ready for the weekend. We got spray tans, mani-pedis, lash extensions. Basically we got everything imaginable before we went down to the lake of the Ozarks so we wouldn’t have to do any make up at all over the weekend. We some how conquered our outrageous to-do list before driving down.
Naturally the drive consisted of throw backs and Taylor Swift bangers, lots of girl talk, and bathroom breaks. Once we arrived, we were ready to have a good time. Walked in and cracked open some drinks, and chatted it up with the girls who decorated the lake house. The grooms family got all the drinks and food and they seriously did SO much, it was so kind and amazing!!
Later on, others started arriving. Everyone was chatting and somewhat acquainted already from Liz’s wedding (her future sister in law). She is the one who’s wedding I got to crash in Seattle back in April. So we laughed and had a chill night, we were preparing for Saturday.
RISE AND DRINK! It’s lake day! We rented a boat with drivers, made our way to the dock and we were ready to go. The captain asked for requests, we all wanted to have a good time. It was toasty outside so we stopped at a random cove to swim and cool off. Then came the PARTY COVE and if you’ve been to the Lake of the Ozarks you already know where this is going.
This was Naomi’s first time at party cove, and look… the party cove won the battle.
Let’s rewind a bit. We arrive at party cove and I’m scoping out boats to tie up to. No one looks appealing, no bachelorette groups or anything yet so we anchor alone. We look across the water and there were 7 boats of swingers connected! They were topless and living their best life. We ended up making our own party zone with some groups of gals. Next thing you know, we have 20 boats linked up all laughing and having a good time!
Me being me, I wondered off for a bit and hung out with a bachelor party.. I found my way over bc they had a beer bong! I talked the another girl in the group into doing one, she did! And she took it like a CHAMP. Then she wondered back over to the group. I, however, hung and talked about football for like an hour. Wasn’t long before I tripped and fell (clumsy while drunk) infront of everyone and have a GIANT rug burn from the boat floor on my right knee. Leave it to me.
OH! I almost forgot! The girl who sat next to me on the plane ride from Seattle to KC ended up being the boat that tied up with us!! She was so cool. I loved seeing everyone being social butterflies and meeting people. We had a girls dirty thirty on one side and another bachelorette party on the other side. There was some girl power going on FOR SURE.
I have to say, one of my fav stories from the lake was when the girls from another boat were laying on our Lilly pad from our boat…While one of OUR girls were casually throwing up from a shot, underneath it. When this was shared with the group I DIED.
It was probably my favorite bachelorette party I’ve been on so far, maybe tied with my cousins wife’s bachelorette party. I’m not sure, every one I have been to has been fun/special in its own way. I feel so lucky to have been included in this and getting a weekend with my bestie. Next step BEING IN THE WEDDING, In Kauai.
Ps. I have the most massive bruise of all time on my back and hand, no clue how it got there. Gotta love day drinking! Cheers!
